Growth Spurts and Lactation Consultants

Growth Spurts and Lactation Consultants

We recently had the pleasure of meeting lactation consultant and mum of 4, Mairead Murphy, so we asked her to write a little about what she does. You can get in touch with her at the contact details below

'Pregnancy, especially the first, is such an exciting time.  We look forward to this thrilling yet unfamiliar experience.

More and more Irish mothers are now choosing to breastfeed. There is correspondingly more and more breastfeeding support  for moms out's just knowing where to find local support , when to ask for help and then life with baby runs smoother! 

My adopted county, Meath, is a great county for breastfeeding mothers...auctioneers really need to start mentioning this in their blurb when selling houses! 'beautiful detached 4 bedroom residence , enclosed garden, only 4 miles from Trim la leche league meeting venue' and so on!

Like any new phase in our lives ...preparation is important,up to date information is important so we can make informed decisions.This is also true of breastfeeding. I'll give you a classic example...all babies go through phases called 'growth spurts'. This manifests itself when baby seems 'unputdownable' for a few days, wanting to feed nonstop. This is a time when mothers can doubt themselves, question their milk production and feel baby may need to be supplemented.  However growth spurts are simply baby's way of letting us know they need more calories for their new growing requirements and more frequent breastfeeds increase mother's milk. This is a time when many mothers wean off the breast. By knowing how to identify a growth spurt, know that it is a normal phase and that breastfeeding on request a mother can satisfy her baby's needs and increase her own supply. When a mother knows what is happening and recognises it as completely normal she can relax into enjoying the extra feeds until the growth spurt passes.

As a mom of 4 breastfed children and as an IBCLC Lactation Consultant I have the experience to help mother prepare to breastfeed her baby with confidence. One class during pregnancy arms her with info, tips and techniques to thoroughly enjoy breastfeeding. 
I hold my breastfeeding preparation classes in Dunboyne, either small group classes or 1:1 by request. If a group of work colleagues or friends would like to organise a class for themselves in another area I'm happy to travel. The class is chatty, informative with lots of hands on learning with my doll baby and knitted breasts! I invite all the questions mothers might have so they go home reassured and informed.

Contact me and let me know how I can help you towards better breastfeeding.

Mairead Murphy 085 8509709
